Thursday, 10 April 2014

Cliffs Of Moher - A GREAT DAY OUT

Now it is time for my first daytour and I feel the urge in my body to get going on an adventure. Since it is the first trip for me and when you should do something you have not done before, I always feel those butterflies in my stomach.

When I arrive at the location there the buses go from in the morning, it was not hard to find what bus you would go with because there were people in the place that helped you with that. Since the Cliffs of Moher are one of the most popular tours that go, it did not take long before the bus was filled. Wayne was our driver and guide that was noticed early that he was the kind of man who has the energy from head to toe, even during long days. His mouth was moving more than it was still and some might think it can be a hassle, but he was a real clown so you could not help liking him. That he combined jokes and facts made ​​the whole tour more instructive at the same time as it was entertaining.

On this daytour you are away for about 12 hours and 30 minutes, and of course you have to make more than one restroom visit during this time so they were very good with making sure that it was some stop along the way. It is not just the Cliffs of Moher you gets to see. In the meantime you are on the bus tells Wayne things about the places we went by and then there was also some brief photo stop and some little longer stops when for example, we ate at a pub.

But of course it was the Cliffs of Moher that was the coolest thing to see on this trip, it was after all the main goal. We stayed there for 1 hour and 30 minutes but I would really liked to stay a little longer because the paths on the mountains are long and I wanted to see as much as possible while I wanted to enjoy the magnificent scenery in peace and quiet. If you get the chance to take this kind of tour, I recommend it highly because it's a cool feeling to check on something as unique as nature itself has created.

When it was time to leave Cliffs of Moher was the next stop in the village of Doolin, where we would eat.
After that we saw The Burren which is one of the largest karst landscapes in Europe.

Last stop for photography was Corcomroe Abbey which is an early 13th-century Cistercian monastery.

A overall summary of this tour, I will say that I am very satisfied.

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